In we have been busy at creating the Ignition formula that will allow you to upgrade automatically as soon as a new version is released. This should give you a similar experience to downloading the Ignition installer and replacing an old version with the latest.

Table of contents

Install Ignition

To install the latest version available from our Homebrew tap, just run brew install coatl-dev/coatl-dev/ignition, and you’ll see something like the following:

$ brew install coatl-dev/coatl-dev/ignition
==> Installing ignition from coatl-dev/coatl-dev
==> Downloading
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> tar -C /usr/local/Cellar/ignition/8.1.3/libexec/lib/runtime -xf /usr/local/Cellar/ignition/8.1.3/libexec/lib/runtime/jre-mac.tar.gz
==> /usr/local/Cellar/ignition/8.1.3/libexec/lib/runtime/jre-mac/bin/java -classpath /usr/local/Cellar/ignition/8.1.3/lib/core/common/common.jar com.inductiveautomation.ignition.common.upgrader.Upgrader . /usr/local/Cellar/ignition/8.1.3/libexec/data /usr/local/Cellar/ignition/8.1.3/libexec/logs file=ignition.conf
==> Caveats
The data and logs folders have been symlinked to:
  data: /usr/local/etc/ignition
  logs: /usr/local/var/ignition

To have launchd start coatl-dev/coatl-dev/ignition now and restart at login:
  brew services start coatl-dev/coatl-dev/ignition
==> Summary
🍺  /usr/local/Cellar/ignition/8.1.3: 1,412 files, 1.5GB, built in 1 minute

During installation, you might get the following message Another installation has been found which may interfere with a Homebrew-built Ignition Gateway from starting up correctly if one installation (whether via Ignition’s installer or from one of our versioned formulae) or Other installations have been found which may interfere with a Homebrew-built Ignition Gateway from starting up correctly if more than one installation was found. This is just a warning that you may run into problems if both installations use the same ports (HTTP, HTTPS, and Gateway Network).

And just like that you will be able to start your Ignition Gateway by running brew services start coatl-dev/coatl-dev/ignition if you wish to launch Ignition at log-in, or if you don’t wish to register Ignition as a service simply run ignition start.

As this is a new installation, browsing to http://localhost:8088/ should take you to the Gateway’s provisioning screen where you will be able to choose the type of Gateway; Maker Edition, Standard Ignition, or Ignition Edge.

To learn more about how to install Ignition, please read this.

Upgrade Ignition

If you have previously installed Ignition via our Homebrew Tap, we will illustrate the common workflow.

Note: We have “pinned” Ignition 8.1.2 so we upgrade at our convenience, to learn more about pin please refer to Homebrew’s documentation here

  1. Run brew update to retrieve the latest changed to brew and all installed formulae, and casks

     $ brew update
     Updated 1 tap (coatl-dev/coatl-dev).
     ==> Updated Formulae
     ignition ✔
     You have 1 outdated formula installed.
     You can update it with brew upgrade.
    1. To confirm all outdated formula, run the following

       $ brew outdated
       coatl-dev/coatl-dev/ignition (8.1.2) < 8.1.3 [pinned at 8.1.2]
  2. Create a Gateway backup via gwcmd or the Web interface Config > System > System Backup/Restore and click on Download Backup

     $ cd "$(brew --prefix ignition)"/libexec
     $ ./ --backup ~/Downloads/ignition-backup.gwbk
     Gateway backup saved to /Users/thecesrom/Downloads/ignition-backup.gwbk
  3. If you are ready to upgrade, first you will have to stop Ignition by running the following commands
    1. Stop the brew service

       $ brew services stop ignition
       Stopping `ignition`... (might take a while)
       ==> Successfully stopped `ignition` (label: homebrew.mxcl.ignition)
    2. Stop the Ignition service

       $ ignition stop
       Stopping Ignition-Gateway...
       Waiting for Ignition-Gateway to exit...
       Stopped Ignition-Gateway.
  4. If you had pinned Ignition, first unpin it

     brew unpin ignition
  5. Finally upgrade

     $ brew upgrade ignition
     ==> Upgrading 1 outdated package:
     coatl-dev/coatl-dev/ignition 8.1.2 -> 8.1.3
     ==> Upgrading coatl-dev/coatl-dev/ignition 8.1.2 -> 8.1.3 
     ==> Downloading
     ######################################################################## 100.0%
     ==> tar -C /usr/local/Cellar/ignition/8.1.3/libexec/lib/runtime -xf /usr/local/Cellar/ignition/8.1.3/libexec/lib/runtime/jre-mac.tar.gz
     ==> /usr/local/Cellar/ignition/8.1.3/libexec/lib/runtime/jre-mac/bin/java -classpath /usr/local/Cellar/ignition/8.1.3/lib/core/common/common.jar com.inductiveautomation.ignition.common.upgrader.Upgrader . /usr/local/Cellar/ignition/8.1.3/libexec/data /usr/local/Cellar/ignition/8.1.3/libexec/logs file=ignition.conf
     ==> Caveats
     The data and logs folders have been symlinked to:
       data: /usr/local/etc/ignition
       logs: /usr/local/var/ignition
     To have launchd start coatl-dev/coatl-dev/ignition now and restart at login:
       brew services start coatl-dev/coatl-dev/ignition
     ==> Summary
     🍺  /usr/local/Cellar/ignition/8.1.3: 1,412 files, 1.5GB, built in 1 minute 4 seconds
     Removing: /usr/local/Cellar/ignition/8.1.2... (1,442 files, 1.5GB)

Start Ignition

After installing or upgrading Ignition, a symlink called ignition will be present in /usr/local/bin so you can just run ignition as a command.

To install ignition as a service that will start automatically at log-in:

$ brew services start coatl-dev/coatl-dev/ignition
==> Successfully started `ignition` (label: homebrew.mxcl.ignition)

Alternatively, just run ignition start:

$ ignition start
Starting Ignition-Gateway...
Waiting for Ignition-Gateway...........
running: PID:13648

Check status

Once installed you may run any of the following commands to check Ignition’s status.

  1. ignition status When stopped you might see the following output:

     $ ignition status
     Ignition-Gateway (not installed) is not running.

    Or if it’s already running:

     $ ignition status
     Ignition-Gateway (not installed) is running: PID:13648, Wrapper:STARTED, Java:STARTED
  2. brew services

     $ brew services
     Name     Status    User      Plist
     ignition started   thecesrom /Users/thecesrom/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.ignition.plist
  3. With gwcmd

     $ cd "$(brew --prefix ignition)/libexec"
     $ ./ -i
     Gateway Name: Ignition-Cesars-MacBook-Air.local
     Gateway Version: 8.1.3 (64-bit)
     Web Server Status: RUNNING
     Gateway Status: RUNNING
     Http Port: 8088
     Https Port: 8443

Uninstall Ignition

If you wish to uninstall Ignition, we recommend following these steps:

  1. Stop brew service

     $ brew services stop ignition
     Stopping `ignition`... (might take a while)
     ==> Successfully stopped `ignition` (label: homebrew.mxcl.ignition)
  2. Stop ignition

     $ ignition stop
     Stopping Ignition-Gateway...
     Stopped Ignition-Gateway.
  3. Uninstal with brew uninstall

     $ brew uninstall coatl-dev/coatl-dev/ignition
     Uninstalling /usr/local/Cellar/ignition/8.1.3... (1,439 files, 1.5GB)
     Warning: The following ignition configuration files have not been removed!
     If desired, remove them manually with `rm -rf`:
  4. Finally, some manual cleanup

     cd /usr/local/etc
     rm -rf ignition
     cd /usr/local/var
     rm -rf ignition

Where do I get support if something goes wrong?

Try the Discussions.

Further reading

Installing Ignition via Homebrew