It’s that time of the year again, and we at have done our part.

Here are the most relevant changes:

ignition had some refinements

The ignition formula has gone through a bit of a transformation; here’s the git-diff:

$ git diff 9bef009 4852467 ./Formula/ignition.rb
diff --git a/Formula/ignition.rb b/Formula/ignition.rb
index 7ccbe2d..e736653 100644
--- a/Formula/ignition.rb
+++ b/Formula/ignition.rb
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
 class Ignition < Formula
   desc "Unlimited Platform for SCADA and so much more"
   homepage ""
-  url "",
+  url "",
       referer: ""
-  sha256 "3c934d571d2295e41268f4432c2ca9eb437d62d113ae7f2fa5dbcd11c08f611e"
+  version "8.1.15"
+  sha256 "24331d78e843421807040e10455f10efd6bdd4f79dee1d603510d370773fd8a0"
   license :cannot_represent

   livecheck do
@@ -50,17 +51,10 @@ def post_install

     # Unzip the new runtime
-    system "tar", "-C", "#{libexec}/lib/runtime", "-xf", "#{libexec}/lib/runtime/jre-mac.tar.gz"
+    system bin/"ignition", "checkruntimes"

     # Update ignition.conf
-    system "#{libexec}/lib/runtime/jre-mac/bin/java",
-           "-classpath",
-           "#{libexec}/lib/core/common/common.jar",
-           "com.inductiveautomation.ignition.common.upgrader.Upgrader",
-           ".",
-           "#{libexec}/data",
-           "#{libexec}/logs",
-           "file=ignition.conf"
+    system bin/"ignition", "runupgrader"

   def caveats

Let’s break it down into two major changes:

A version stanza has been added

With the release of Ignition 8.1.15, the people at Inductive Automation have granted Apple’s wish to use macOS instead of OS X, but they also decided to include the targetted architecture to the file name; x86-64.

As we went through the typical formula upgrade, we noticed that brew was “erroneously” detecting the version for 8.1.15 as 64-8 because it was being extracted from the url, so the only way we could get the correct version was through adding the version stanza:

  version "8.1.15"

post_install lost some weight

Usually, when Inductive Automation releases a new version for Ignition, we read the docs, but for 8.1.10 we completely missed the announcement regarding a script file called which we’ve corrected in version 8.1.15.

The announcement is found at the 8.1.10 Release Notes under the Installers section:



Added runupgrader command as well as run-upgrader.bat on Windows to simplify running Ignition’s Upgrader on upgrades.

This file provides two additional commands:

  1. checkruntimes → Extracts the Ignition platform runtime if necessary

    On the 8.1.14 formula this used to be:

         # Unzip the new runtime
         system "tar", "-C", "#{libexec}/lib/runtime", "-xf", "#{libexec}/lib/runtime/jre-mac.tar.gz"

    And now:

         # Unzip the new runtime
         system bin/"ignition", "checkruntimes"
  2. runupgrader → Runs the Ignition Upgrader utility


         # Update ignition.conf
         system "#{libexec}/lib/runtime/jre-mac/bin/java",


         # Update ignition.conf
         system bin/"ignition", "runupgrader"


We acknowledge a mistake on our behalf as we were using "." when it should have been libexec.to_s, like this:

    system "#{libexec}/lib/runtime/jre-mac/bin/java",

Fortunately the ignition formula has always been on the 8.1 version, something that might have been an issue when upgrading to 8.2.

ignition@8.0 deprecation and cleanup

November 12, 2020 was the final release for the 8.0 branch from Inductive Automation, and, as we announced it on our previous post, ignition@8.0 has a deprecation warning.

But that doesn’t mean that we’ve stopped improving our formula. Au contraire, mes amis!

ignition@8.0 also lost some weight at post_install, removing the “Update ignition.conf” and “Unzip the new runtime” steps.

According to README.txt instructions, for Ignition 8.0.17, on upgrading an existing installation:

7) If this is a major version upgrade (8.0 to 8.1) then the data/ignition.conf file may have changed. If this is a minor version upgrade (8.0.1 to 8.0.2) then skip to step 8.

Since this formula will not install a minor version upgrade, only patch upgrades for 8.0, there is no need to perform these actions.

Final announcement

Check out the work from the ignition-api GitHub org (, which is behind the ignition-api Python package ( They have releases for 7.9, 8.0, and 8.1.

And that’s it!

Thanks for reading!